Monday, September 29, 2014

Time to Get Ugly On Some Folks

Wow. This story (link) The Ugly Article was exactly what I needed, and it is a lesson in receiving love and kindness freely. Animals are great study for unconditional love. We as humans have become so disconnected with each other in many ways and in substitution created a false illusion in a pseudo connection with technology. P2P isn't for texting. This small example of unconditional love and kindness should be what we all strive for in life. To give freely to those who love and give back and the ones that don't. Hard as it is, even those who seem too busy to care or even be grateful for selfless acts of kindness, whether beneficial or other.

It's all about the "selfie" today. It's ok to have a positive self esteem and even share your confidence with the world. But in contrast it is greedy, egocentric, and selfish to be only self motivated and only be concerned with what you want and how to get it your way. Living a life without any consideration to others unless they are a part of your agenda or work into your self-created social system is wrong. Just remember, many people use others and devote their time to certain people because of what they feel they can get out of it. But there are those of us who truly give not to get, share not for personal adoration or acceptance, and are kind not because we want something from you but because we are genuinely real and motivated by selflessness. Hard for most to see it or grasp that concept because they are too preoccupied with themselves and are incapable of even recognizing it.

So like Ugly, be attentive to how you treat and receive others. Be presently aware all times how your behavior or lack of is received. And lastly, the validation most seek and yearn for is like a cup that will never be filled as long as you keep trying to fill it yourself. The cup just gets bigger and bigger. When you start to put others first then the cup overflows because now there are so many people filling it. I don't chase fame or fortune or validation. I don't seek what I already have or don't need. You'll know when your cup is running over cause you tend to not have the need to look at it. You know it's running over when you feel the love constantly and continuously.

If you lack a feeling of love or acceptance in life then stop focusing on yourself and start giving exactly what you want and lack to others without expectation or intent to gain personally from it. Yea, some people will not always be grateful or even show any sign that they appreciate or even notice you, but that is not your concern. Selflessness is exactly that. It's only pure in its truest intent. Nothing in return should always be the expectation and the other person's gain should always be the motivation. This should also be a template for choosing your friends and mate. If you accept mediocrity then expect it back.

Thanks and much love to you all.