Friday, August 15, 2014

Weekend Will Power

You've completed the long stretch. Its Friday and all that you wanted to accomplish this week has been under foot. Congratulations. But lets not get too confident and loose sight that the odds are always stacked against success; especially when it comes to sheer will power being the deciding factor if we win or if we lose this current battle with whatever it is we are trying to quit or overcome.

I have battled weight issues and food addiction my entire life. At the present state I am at the most unsuccessful I have ever been, but did regain a good, healthy portion of will power this last Sunday. I wish I could say it was me that has gotten me to the rank of 110% success rate this week. But sadly it was a bout of over-eating and being sick for three days that led me to an already trimmer and slimmer feeling self.

So do I define success through goal achievement and does the venue for reaching this end result remain irrelevant? And what of our personal will to win. Even when will power lacks, a bad hamburger instead fights for the cause. therefore, did [you] really succeed?

I am beginning to realize now at age 40 that true success is reigning in those nasty habits and terrible binging swings and truly seeking your inner power and God to help you have the personal strength (will power) to do what it is you have set out to do. For if the goal is reached by any other means necessary than it is not a win at all and surely you'll be right back where you were, or even worse in due time. I know that from experience.

Everyday is the day to say yes to a good life and no to the shit that hinders this process. God bless you all and enjoy your mid-August weekend.


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