Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cocktail Conspiracy

We are in the midst of summer and man, a nice cool drink would be sweet right about now. Hand me some of that Patron please. Thanks. Now let me grab this Gran Marnier from my private stash over here (we don't use triple sec at my house).  Now some ice cold sweet n' sour mix from the fridge and it is all set, or is it?

Like a good drink, a good conspiracy theory needs to have some authentic and seemingly valuable criteria to make for a great recipe. The obviously ridiculous to the most outrageous concoctions typically are sniffed out before the need to drink that poison. However, the truly well-mixed conspiracy should have ingredients that include the scrutiny of master scientists, well-studied political analysts, and always continually growing public support. All these here including a dash of good 'ol common sense makes any conspiracy theory "top shelf."

Now that all your ingredients are in place its time to put them all in the shaker and give it whirl. MMMmmm. How does it taste? Still needs a little fine-tuning I bet. This is where the use of the scientific method comes in to play. Create a hypothesis out of your over-all cocktail idea and then test the individual components with scrutiny to see if what you propose the world to [drink] is truly your best. Be sure and invoke many sources other than just yourself. Include the well-educated and peered-reviewed articles and data sufficiently and  according to the subject matter you are mixing.

Lastly, use what is always the prevailing winner when it comes to these types of questions; K.I.S.S. or Keep It Simple Stupid. The most logical answer based on all the information one could muster is typically and most logically the truth or closest to it. Well said Spock.

In this day and age it is imperative all of you out there question your news sources and what you are being told. Seek your news from other outlets and see what other countries have to say about the same news bites we are inundated with daily. Know that your mind is so unique and incredible that you yourself are able to figure most stuff out on your own using your own resources and doing your own research. Ya just need good ingredients. So get to the internet and find a new market for news. I trust you'll be a more well-informed because of it.

So now its time for your dinner party and you want to enlighten some peers.  It is always a plus to create the mood for positive debate so have a great "Cocktail Conspiracy" up your sleeve and catch that wind.  And what are some of my Cocktail Conspiracies you may ask. Well, look for an up coming book, and I promise to include all the Patron and Gran Marnier available. Margaritas anyone?


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