Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Personal Political Responsibility

Your Government at Work (GREAT SITE)

In the news today I was reminded of some relevant news bites from the past...

"Israel should be wiped off the face of the map." "Death to the infidel." ☆The Iranian stance on Israel has always been the same, public knowledge, and vehemently shouted by Iran's leaders. Now they are showing major efforts to seem like they want to compromise with their nuclear program. Yet no where have they recanted their intentions to "come like a storm over Israel and make it no more."

This is a no brainer. [Glostnost] [Russia] [Keep your enemies closer] [The art of warfare: Attack when they least suspect. Disarm your enemy. The best kept plan is a secret one.]

If you want to make something happen and the opposition is too big, too powerful, and a direct block to getting your plan accomplished,  then do exactly what Iran is doing; play nice and when Caesar least suspected  his own friends took a stab.

Iran is lying. Obama is good for trying diplomacy first because war should only be a defensive act never an aggression one. Though don't be too surprised when Israel says screw all that agreement talk. It's our country they want to destroy. They are next door. It's our right to preserve and subvert actions that
could end our existence.

This post is my personal take on the Israeli mideast peace process and the state of world affairs. It's important you look into this subject in particular and form your own opinions because this is THE political situation we should take seriously  my friends. This most likely will be the situation that changes the lives of all of us.

If I am a friend then I am right to let you know about anything that could interrupt your pursuit of happiness or cause you any negative affect.

Please buy hard silver! Keep it in a safe place, in secret, and where only you are accessible to it. Buy and own land if you are able, pay off all debts if able, grow vegetables if you have  land, and find a few friends or family members like minded to do same and have a plan that insures self sustainability if at a time hopefully never happens but does...

eg. Israel attacks Iran premtively and Iran via Syria bombs N Israel destroying Tel Aviv. Then Israel responds destroying Damascus, Syria. That will halt all foreign and domestic trade. That means no food at Publix. No gas at QT. No monetary banking even for a short time will drop stocks, devalue the dollar, raise cost of consumption, and the those who have metals and food will be the only ones who winter the coming hardships.

This all is not a new or extreme political analysis of things to come. The top political analystists and scientists have offered up the same predictions for years, but you won't hear it on TV. You are too inendated with sports, work, life, and love. It's not your fault if you aren't aware if no one has shared it with you. However, if you got this far now you are.

And the choice to heed and share or dismiss and not care is well your right.  But if you knew a storm would hit your house on a specific day you would have insurance and protection because it was certainty. Yet most of us have car, bank, home, rental, etc insurances for just in case.

Well just in case you are without food or a bed one day due to forces not of your own but could have averted some or all of it, and had foreknowledge...

Hope this is a help to even one of ya. It's worth it for one, always.

Benjamin DelGiudice

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

An Essay on Willful Ignorance and the Courage of One

Many may gawk at what they are about to read and may choose to not finish this essay. It will only prove my point. So understand that knowledge is power and the knowledge one ought seek should be sound and of real value. This essay is intended to wake some and stir others to begin sharing their ideas, thoughts, and known truths with others when everything in society seems to be pressuring us to "just go with the flow" and "don't ruffle any feathers."  If nothing else, one thing I pray you get from this essay is to be yourself, and against any fears or hesitation, be willing to speak honestly and freely to your associates and friends. Their judgments or validations will lead you to know not just who your real friends are, but the one's who truly love you and have your back at all odds.

Truth:  America is being purposefully (and with great planning) demoralized and undermined by the coordinated efforts of the media, entertainment industry, banking system, and federal government.  They have made the majority of the nation apathetic to scenes of war and death. The masses are so gullible to the extent of sheer lunacy that the majority of Americans believe their news and elected officials are reliable sources for truth, honesty, factual information, and making ethical decisions that affect the entire nation. This misguided trust by the public is so severe and dangerous to the future of this nation that people still vote more with party lines rather than personal conviction while keeping the same law makers in office.  These leaders are in power spite their lies, mistrust, and unethical behavior that has been vetted, admitted, and publicized.

The truth is so outside the box and mind blowing that deep down most people (I feel) know these accusations to be true ,yet can't bring themselves to admit it. Most likely for fear of what others will say.  Furthermore, if this person agrees and admits to themselves what they hear or read is true, then as a patriot and devoted American it is necessary to act. It is a mandate to abolish the failed government and remove those leaders from office. It is their duty to work towards and reinstate a government with new leaders and rule according to the Constitution of the United States.

It almost seems business as usual and most all agree when it comes to dissatisfaction for our American leaders, but here's the real issue. Speaking up, posting on social networks, arguing the issue for change that isn’t popular, and taking up the rod of truth just isn't convenient for most.  That's the real issue. Excuses and procrastinations are by the thousands. "I got college football and professional football games to attend or watch every weekend."  "I got parties to attend."  "My friends would call me crazy if I brought up politics that were controversial and not in alignment with theirs." "My job might fire me if they found out." "I'm too busy with kids or school or life in general." The list is endless.

Truth:  One thing I have learned is that there is plenty of time and enough hours in a week for anything if willing. I personally know it is still possible to party, go to school, watch sports, work forty plus hours, and still have the time to put into action the patriotism we so easily proclaim with our lips, yet improperly deem as sufficient. Sorry, but ribbons, parades, fireworks, barbecue's, lapel pins, and singing the anthem at the game does not show true patriotism. Publically standing up for injustice, fighting the majority when you know what is truly right, taking risk to stand alone with your convictions when all others abandon you, serving your country or whistle-blowing when your livelihood or life may depend on it; these are examples of patriotism in action. Its time for the majority to care more about our country's current state of affairs and the pattern of deception and control by the government rather than "who got voted off last week" or "did you see that touchdown?"

FYI:  This essay isn't meant to be corrective of individuals or disparaging to the reader.  It is simply an alarm. Do you hit snooze or get up and begin your journey? The journey of publically stating through social networking or personal relationships that enough is enough. Taking some time to look up and see what is really going on outside your protective bubble wherever or whatever that may be. And get a little uncomfortable by sharing unpopular truths instead of remaining quiet when you really want to speak. Maybe by posting that news story or YouTube video that you know is truth but are too scared to lose friends or look silly. Isn't it time to care about neighbors, coworkers, and strangers in addition to those close to you; because in the end, we all are someone's child, coworker, neighbor, friend, and stranger on the street. Paying it forward, unconditional love, and selfless kindness should know no social class or boundary.
Truth:  Please understand that people who buck the system due to injustice, people that take a very unpopular position amongst a majority within their own circle, or people who risk public humiliation, incarceration, and being ostracized in any way have everything to lose. Therefore, consider what you know of these people who soap box, vent, or are political and moral/ethical watchdogs for the community and country.  They are your friends, family members, colleagues, and are ethical and upstanding citizens who have never purposefully intended or caused you any true harm or pain most assuredly. Yet it's so easy to dismiss their warnings and truth because what they are delivering is too hard a pill to swallow.  This is further disparaging because most people are not willing to do the research to verify the truth or the information that others are trying to relay to the masses either. It's easy to call someone's ideas and notions "crazy" or "conspiracy theory," yet the majority would rather believe and stand in defense of whatever CNN or the news man is spouting. No need for recourse.  No checks and balances. No personal investigation to verify or seek alternate sources. Instead, most take whatever they hear from television or print media as factual truth because Anderson Cooper read it off the teleprompter so it must be true.  

Let's go deeper. Is it logical to believe blindly in a system we aren't part of directly, put faith in those who run media and government we have never met, and believe the lies and misinformation by the media and our leaders before we'd believe a trusted and well-known friend, family member, or associate? No. The one's closest to us are who we should be trusting and listening. So before anyone decides to dismiss a conspiracy theory or wild notion from a friend or colleague, remember that the truth is usually never what it seems and is typically buried deep beneath the surface waiting to be dug up. If you, as an individual, haven't really put in any research time or discovered facts giving reputable proof to back up an opinion or stance you have chosen to verbally argue or defend, then the real nut job is the one who believes based on fear and ego and is incapable of forming their own ideas or opinions.
See the idiocy now? Why is it when someone is given information from a trusted friend or relative that fits the criteria described herein, is typically dismissed so easily cause it's not fashionable to think 9/11 was an inside job, that Sandy Hook was a FEMA training exercise with fictional characters played by actors, that Bush stole the 2000 election, or that war is the primary tool used to delay the bankruptcy of this nation? All true and quite well documented.  Even when the truth is so brutally obvious, many refuse to denounce their party affiliation or irrational positions and remain defiant, defending the evil doers and those associated with public deception and social manipulation.  Is it too hard to admit publically that money is still king and the majority of money behind most leaders in congress derives from those billionaire moguls and conglomerates that own all the media outlets, are members of the upper echelon of the entertainment industry, own and operate all the major oil and gas companies worldwide, and the pharmaceutical and banking industries. All these statements have valid and reputable standing, but aren't popular beyond stating the obvious.

Truth:  It all becomes quite real when one realizes that the concern of the elite is with only two things; keeping the oil lobby and other wealthy benefactors happy while making their own cut on the side. There is no question our government is not of the people, but of those who control and own the media and entertainment conglomerates, big oil and natural gas, and billionaire moguls in technology and pharmaceuticals. And because these entities also control every facet of how we receive information they inundate us with constant commercialism and psychologically altering television programming and news casts meant to steer society into slowly accepting their philosophies and keep you misguided about what is important and relevant. They have instituted a campaign of ads and entertainment that keep the nation solely focused on achieving a materialistic life that is always changing and never satisfying, that is not tangible or achievable for most, and if realized can be easily lost. People are living a life of angst for what they cannot have, and live in fear of losing what they do.

The sad fact is, most choose only to speak up and act when the majority aligns with their own ideas. That is a very dangerous road. A majority should never be allowed to speak for an individual no more than the individual ought to speak for a majority.  That is why true democracy is a lie and farce and only works to keep the majority compliant and content in whatever the status quo is. The rule of the land may or may not be suitable for everyone and rarely ever is completely fair and balanced. Assume a majority feels it is necessary to not rear baby girls and thus kills or ditches them after birth (China). It may be the majority that feels woman or a certain race should not vote and are second-class citizens (Iran, Saudi Arabia, America at one time). It may be the majority that feels there is only one true race and all others should be distinguished (Hitler). These three recognizable examples show emphatically that following a majority or a democracy is not necessarily the best choice for deciding the laws and rules that all will be subjected. I suggest that only under a socialist driven monarchy retaining absolute power could bring true and lasting peace to the world. This monarch would be completely selfless, incorruptible, and display unconditional love and equality for all. Have any ideas who should take the job?

Truth:  It is the individual that is responsible for their actions and how they relate to others in society. The system of laws should be such that restrict as little as possible on personal space and free will, so long as it does not negatively affect another individual's space or hinder their right to exercise their own free will.  This being said, let it also be noted that it is absolutely impossible to police, predict, reprimand, or forcibly change the free will of any or all members of society. That is why majority rule is only good for the majority and can mean a life of misery or death to the minority in extreme situations.  No majority rule or democratically elected government can insure that all citizens will unequivocally receive the best representation available, receive fair and unbiased justice from the law, have equal opportunity and pay at work, or even have the means to pursue the happiness we all are made to believe is attainable.  If this where so, why is our country in such a state of racial, social, and economic unraveling?  Because the elected majority has changed the laws, taken hostage the government's original purpose to be for the people, lied, cheated, conspired, and have completely disengaged themselves from those that they represent because a few who have all the resources are their puppeteers.  The debates and elections are a horse and pony show to make the gullible satisfied that government really matters, and it is the lack of political partisanship in the government that has derailed the country, not the will of the conglomerates that control almost every faction of daily life.

A great example of standing alone against a ruling majority is Joan of Arc. She is well known for two reasons. One, she spoke the truth against a powerful system that was deceitful and destructive for the individual as well as the majority. Two, she was martyred and burned alive at the stake for it. This is typical for the first individual who chooses to publically stand against a powerful elite or ruling majority. Ask yourself a few questions. Why would Joan willingly give her life for an idea? I get it if she was saving her child or soul mate. But she died for others to be enlightened, for the same people to have a better and just life, and to open the eyes of the masses to the truth. I offer up that only when real truth is being defended will a logical and educated individual remain steadfast to their resolve and even unto death never recant or sway. This ultimately has proven to be the litmus test for some of the most famous whistle-blowers and revolutionaries throughout time. Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesus Christ, Socrates, Galileo, Kennedy, Lincoln, and the list goes on. In all these examples, their deaths brought great change and the majority was quickly and radically toppled to a new status quo.

So who really wishes to risk comfort, safety, and their lives for so-called conspiracy theories that lend more credence and likelihood than the common belief of the topic at hand? Who really gains anything by telling the cold, hard truth?  Truth is, there is nothing to gain except a conscious that remains clear and intact, a character exemplary of courage and selflessness, and hopefully a few souls you were able to save from their blind ignorance.  There are those open-minded and willing to hear what you have to say. Some are ready to digest it, verify it, and will then put all fears aside to share it. These newly enlightened few will educate their peers and associates as well. This method is and has proven to be the best way to get truth out. It has been the way the human race has done it for thousands of years. But it is also the same process used by the controlling elite to trick, lie, deceive, misinform, and control the individual and the majority as a whole. 

So how do you know what is real, true, fact, or dependable? First, you must never be disengaged from current events or the collective conversation just because its a topic you don't like or it isn't a good time or place. Second, you must seek information yourself thru research and investigation using many sources that validate your argument using the scientific method, sound logic, unbiased participants, and fact-based, irrefutable proof.  Validating a position, opinion, or assumption is taking that idea from theory to a solid grounding in truth. You would think that when people take the time to complete this process adequately and successfully that should end all ridiculous debates and the willful ignorance of many, but as you well know that is never the case.

Truth:  One of the major obstacles to a better world and path to utopia is that modern civilization is an overwhelmingly materialistic society and therefore, most require material proof to believe a truth or fact because today a man's word isn't valued any longer, and people tend to assume the worst first.  It is today's normal that people expect and allow for society to be just a little dishonest or untrusting at times cause that's just the way it is. So when this small hole of distrust exists within society, it leaves many who expect and accept inconsistent and unethical behavior from even their closest friends. It is no wonder many avoid hot button issues or disengage from controversial or unpopular debate; even when they have a strong opinion or information that they know to be truth. Sharing truth should not be an issue for you. It should be worth the risk if those we care about most are living in ignorance and do not have the tools or education to save themselves from it.  It is not loving nor kind to allow the fear of rejection to silence our will and resolve to the share the truth.

Now that you have decided you want to step up and not accept mediocrity any longer.  Be ready for all sorts of responses, but be assured that the more extreme the truth and the more conservative the individual, the greater the storm that could ensue. Just remember all the fuss and heat from those who detest or ridicule the soap box or whistle blower is based on personal fears that what is being said, read, or seen in fact does strike them as plausible and logical. Also, it will cause discomfort, some unrest, a personal call to action, and the most horrifying; the act of admitting to self and others that what they knew up 'til then was a lie.  Their ego is usually not willing to take that kind of voluntary blow; even if it reveals a lack of honesty, soiled character, and unethical judgment on their part. However, this realization is typically only a personal one unless they do one day overcome those fears and reclaim their virtue.  This unfortunate and dysfunctional relationship many have to real truth exists in much of society today.

FACT:  So now is the time for education and action. It won't wait for you to be ready or comfortable.  The time is coming you'll see the truth down the street or at your door, and then it's too late. The truth won't be able to help you or prepare you for what is to come. If blessed enough you'll know an individual who took precautions and was well informed and never under the spell of the great illusion our government, entertainment and media conglomerates, economic and banking system, and capitalistic corporations have created and inflicted upon modern civilization. This diabolical treachery has been executed so well that the majority would easily believe the sky was falling or the world really is flat if saw on television or read in an article. Today these powerful entities have society viewing everyone  as suspect or a possible enemy.  They have made the art of creativity, the formation of original ideas, and choice for alternative or unique living to be considered questionable, anti-social behavior, and not sane.  They have endorsed and propagated the need for assimilation and corporate branding, and done it so well it is highly desired among the population to judge people based on their social status, economic standing, and shared qualities rather than their abilities, unique qualities, or vast differences.  And worst of all, it is mainstream to allow and accept, without question or dissent, all that is fed to us through the media, entertainment industry, and public education. 

The direct, negative effect this has on society is anyone opposing a belief system or rule of law that the majority or ruling elite consider absolute are to be labeled as crazy, unpatriotic, dangerous, anti-social, extremist, or anti-American. However, the TRUTH is, the ones who believe the illusion, choose to go along with the lies, and quietly or subconsciously accept their position as slave to the materialistic and egocentric system set up by their masters are living in ignorance.  Because we know this to be true, it is our duty to free the misguided at all costs. It is our place to take the ridicule and the ostracizing. We know truth can elude many and is not easily apparent to all.  We understand that it is not always willful ignorance, but possibly the disconnect between messenger and receiver as well. That is why it is up to each person to rely on their own efforts for seeking truth and gaining the knowledge that fights deception and misguided authority.

Truth:  We all stand alone in the end. No one wants to hear, "I told you so" or say to themselves, "I should have listened and gave more attention to the collective rather than always myself." The idiotic choice and unspoken contract between consumers, government, and "for profit" conglomerates is the tie that binds an individual to the whims of the powerful elite, and it's so blatantly obvious.  However, only those willing to not follow or live a lifestyle directly motivated by pop culture, social status, selfish economic gain, or materialism will be able to see the truth. Thank God for those of us who take risk and allow for humiliation and discomfort. The choice to speak up is not easy. It ends relationships.  It causes arguments. It can result in verbal or even physical response from others. It isn't widely popular or socially accepted.  Yet ask anyone if they prefer to be lied to or would rather hear the truth even if it hurts. The answer is always "I want the truth." Time for us as individuals to make good on that sound ideal we all proclaim verbally and help the rest of our brothers and sisters free themselves from the ignorance and bondage we once knew.
Thank you for taking the time to read this essay.


Monday, September 29, 2014

Time to Get Ugly On Some Folks

Wow. This story (link) The Ugly Article was exactly what I needed, and it is a lesson in receiving love and kindness freely. Animals are great study for unconditional love. We as humans have become so disconnected with each other in many ways and in substitution created a false illusion in a pseudo connection with technology. P2P isn't for texting. This small example of unconditional love and kindness should be what we all strive for in life. To give freely to those who love and give back and the ones that don't. Hard as it is, even those who seem too busy to care or even be grateful for selfless acts of kindness, whether beneficial or other.

It's all about the "selfie" today. It's ok to have a positive self esteem and even share your confidence with the world. But in contrast it is greedy, egocentric, and selfish to be only self motivated and only be concerned with what you want and how to get it your way. Living a life without any consideration to others unless they are a part of your agenda or work into your self-created social system is wrong. Just remember, many people use others and devote their time to certain people because of what they feel they can get out of it. But there are those of us who truly give not to get, share not for personal adoration or acceptance, and are kind not because we want something from you but because we are genuinely real and motivated by selflessness. Hard for most to see it or grasp that concept because they are too preoccupied with themselves and are incapable of even recognizing it.

So like Ugly, be attentive to how you treat and receive others. Be presently aware all times how your behavior or lack of is received. And lastly, the validation most seek and yearn for is like a cup that will never be filled as long as you keep trying to fill it yourself. The cup just gets bigger and bigger. When you start to put others first then the cup overflows because now there are so many people filling it. I don't chase fame or fortune or validation. I don't seek what I already have or don't need. You'll know when your cup is running over cause you tend to not have the need to look at it. You know it's running over when you feel the love constantly and continuously.

If you lack a feeling of love or acceptance in life then stop focusing on yourself and start giving exactly what you want and lack to others without expectation or intent to gain personally from it. Yea, some people will not always be grateful or even show any sign that they appreciate or even notice you, but that is not your concern. Selflessness is exactly that. It's only pure in its truest intent. Nothing in return should always be the expectation and the other person's gain should always be the motivation. This should also be a template for choosing your friends and mate. If you accept mediocrity then expect it back.

Thanks and much love to you all.


Friday, September 26, 2014

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

Friend of Sinners
Mark 2:13-17


I wonder, have you ever been scandalized by something? To be scandalized means to be deeply troubled and offended. Maybe something really embarrassing or offensive happened and you just can believe it. You’ve heard the stories, I’m sure of Christian preachers who have been caught up in some money laundering scheme or in some sort of sexual sin. I’ve been offended… and scandalized when I’ve seen that happen. Not only was he betraying his family, friends, and church, he was betraying the Savior and blemishing his name. We should be scandalized about things like that.

Our text this morning is Mark 2:13-17. And in it we see that the Pharisees were scandalized by what Jesus did. He did something that they thought he shouldn’t be doing, and they were deeply offended. But, as we’ll see, the problem wasn’t with Jesus, but with the Pharisees. Jesus didn’t sin or do anything to that he shouldn’t have done. But it was radical and stood in stark contrast to what religious people did. Let’s look at our text together.
Follow along in your Bible as I read from Mark 2:13-17.

In our text Marks wants to show us the radical nature of God’s grace. It is a scandalizing grace. It is offensive to some people… here the religious people. We can summarize the shocking character of that grace by saying it in a short, simple sentence: Jesus is a friend of sinners. If that doesn’t blow your mind… if that isn’t a little offensive to you, then maybe you haven’t quite understood what this means. Mark lays it out for us in this passage. Jesus calls sinners to himself. He associates and shares meals with sinners. And when the highly religious people see it, they are shocked and offended.
Jesus Calls a Tax Collector (v. 13-14)

Take a look at how Mark begins this episode. Jesus is out doing his regular thing. He is out preaching and large crowds are following him wherever he goes. There were some there, no doubt, who just wanted to see if he would do some amazing miracle. Maybe others were just curious about what he was up to. Still others, his disciples so far (James, John, Peter, and Andrew) had committed their lives to him. We read a few weeks ago about when Jesus called them to follow him. Remember, he didn’t call the top military leaders or political officials to begin his kingdom. He called simple fishermen.

And we see something even more amazing in verse 14, “As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.” Is that amazing to you? Does that shock or offend you? No? Well, let’s think about the background a little more.

Levi is another name for the disciple named Matthew. Just as Simon had another name, Peter, Levi was called by another name, Matthew. We see this same story told in Matthew 9, and there we see the name Matthew.

And Levi was a tax collector. Now all you who have studied Bible backgrounds know that this wasn’t seen as a worthy profession. Here’s how tax collecting works. The Roman government didn’t want to have to go out and collect taxes themselves, so they would contract workers to do it for them. They would take bids on how much money the contractors would be able to get. And they went with the highest bidder. Then that bidder would pay that money up front to the Roman government… definitely a good deal for them. But not so much a good deal for the people. If the bidder agreed to pay a million dollars, he would want some of that too. And he wouldn’t collect it all by himself. He would hire out others to do the dirty work of actually collecting it. And of course they wanted their cut too. So the amount of money needed keeps rising and rising and rising. And the common people would be the ones to pay for it all.

Tax collectors were seen as crooks and thieves. Especially the Jews would have hated them, because many of these tax collectors would have been Jews themselves. So, on top of being thieves they were also traitors against their own people. In fact, Jewish writings say it was actually allowable and not a sin to lie to tax collectors.

This system lent itself to corruption and oppression of the poor. The tax collectors were backed by the Roman government, so there was nothing you could do if you got cheated. You just had to pay up and move along. Here, it looks like Levi is collecting taxes from people as they cross the border… kind of like a toll booth.

So, Jesus is passing along and he looks at Levi. He sees all the commerce… the collection of taxes going on, and he calls out to Levi, “Follow me.” And Levi gets up from his booth and follows Jesus.
Now calling the fishermen as disciples was one thing. They were not the most prestigious people. But they worked hard and earned their money. Calling this tax collector went too far! He doesn’t even work for his money… he steals it. And he’s gotten rich off the backs of his own people.

And we see the radical nature of God’s grace here. Jesus chose this tax collector to be his disciple. There was nothing honorable in him… nothing to value… nothing to look at and say, this man is worthy to be one of Jesus’ main men. And yet Jesus chose him and called him. And he followed.

Jesus Eats with Sinners (v. 15)
But it is one thing just to call one, individual tax collecting sinner to follow you. That’s not too big a deal. It’s not like he would have been seen with a whole group of them or anything. It’s not like he went to a feast with them. But, he did just that as we read in the next verse… verse 15, “While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him.”

What we have here is not Jesus just going about his usual business and the Pharisees mad at him. It’s like he is intentionally provoking them to get mad at him. He’s bending their rules. He’s pushing the limits. It’s almost like your child when he’s getting ready to do something and he does it anyway. Or it’s like that scene in the movie “Finding Nemo.” The little clown fish is swimming towards the underside of a boat while his dad is calling out to stop. Nemo gets to the boat and puts his fin up. Nemo’s dad says, “If you make one more move Mr. Don’t you dare! If you put one fin on that boat… Are you listening to me?!” And just as he says, “Don’t touch the boat,” Nemo touches it.

The Pharisees said, “Don’t you heal that man on the Sabbath. You can’t do it.” And Jesus did it. The Pharisees said, “You can’t touch lepers.” And Jesus did it. The Pharisees said, “You can’t associate with sinners.” And that’s exactly what Jesus did to get under their skin. But he wasn’t just doing it to get under their skin. He was doing it to teach them and us about his mission and his kingdom. What is God’s kingdom like? It’s where all the outcasts are received to live a new life. It’s where the ideas of this world are turned upside down. It’s where the hungry get fed, the lame walk, and sinners are forgiven.

The dinner was a feast thrown in Jesus’ honor. We read that in Luke’s account of this story. Luke 5:29 says, “Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them.” Levi responds to Jesus’ call, invites him over for a huge feast, and also invites all his sinner cohorts to come along too. This is shaping up to be one party that any religious person would not want to be seen at.

One pastor, Kevin DeYoung, gives this illustration to make us feel like the scribes must have felt. Christmas is coming up soon, so imagine that you go out with a group… your Sunday school class to go Christmas caroling. And you’re just going to random houses, until you get to that one house you’re not so sure about. A couple people want to skip it. You know what goes on in there and you know they wouldn’t want to hear any songs about Jesus. But at your Sunday School leaders’ insistence, you go to the door and knock. You hear lots of laughing and carrying on. You know nothing good is going on inside. Then the door opens, and there will a smile, welcoming you in, is Jesus. Now, think about this: What is your immediate response? What are you doing here, Jesus? You’re not supposed to be here. Of all the places you would be… not here. What in the world are you doing?

And Jesus invites you in and welcomes you to the table. Instead of sitting around the table, you would be laying down on something like a mattress with your head to the table, resting on your left arm and eating with your right hand (that’s how they did it back then). And as you look around, you see Jesus and his disciples. And then over there, you see a homeless man with no teeth who smells really bad. Next to him is a woman everybody knows to be a prostitute. Then there’s the gay guy and his partner sitting across the way. And one more… beside them is the rich man who made his money from swindling senior adults saying they might win some money if they just gave some to him.

Is this where you would think Jesus would be? Is this how you would think Jesus would be spending his time? Now certainly, he wasn’t participating with them in their sin. And he wasn’t condoning their sin. But he was there with them, eating with them, associating with them, having conversations with him.

And let’s ask ourselves these questions. What would it look like if we started calling “sinners”… the outcasts to come to Jesus? What would it look like if you started inviting those types of people to church? And if they came, would you be offended? “I can’t believe he came in wearing clothes like that! How disgusting for those people to be sitting right next to me as I try to worship God!” Are we willing to do that… to go that far? And how would we respond if they came?

Jesus Offends the Scribes (v. 16-17)
We see exactly how the scribes of the Pharisees reacted in verses 16-17. They were shocked. They were offended. They couldn’t stand the thought of what Jesus was doing. It says, “When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples, “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
They couldn’t understand it. This is not how religious people… religious teachers should be acting. They would have never thought of doing that. In other places the Pharisees call Jesus a drunkard and a glutton because he ministered to sinners. And that’s exactly the response Jesus knew he would get. With his actions he is teaching them, “My kingdom is not of this world.” He was teaching them as it says in Matthew 21:31-32, “Truly I say to you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before you. For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and prostitutes believed him. And even when you saw it, you did not afterward change your minds and believe him.”

The story ends with Jesus responding to the Pharisees with a little parable… verse 17, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” Can you imagine a doctor who didn’t want to take any sick patients? He only wants to see healthy ones? Or a car shop that doesn’t fix problems? No. Doctors serve to make sick people healthy. Car shops exist to fix cars. And Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners. This was his mission. This is why he came. Is our mission the same as Jesus’? I’m all for inviting and welcoming people from other churches to our fellowship if they’re not receiving biblical, Christ-centered teaching, and if they’re not being spiritually shepherded. But if we’re content with that so that our church might grow numerically, we have a different mission than Jesus. Are we seeking to call the righteous or sinners? Is our main focus looking for people who have it all together or people who are all messed up?

Jesus went after the sinners and we must too. But how do we do that? How do we carry out the same mission that Jesus had? Let me point out a few ways.
We must get out of our religious comfort zone and make friends with sinners. Are you content to live, work, eat, associate just you own little circle of Christian friends? Are there any people you associate with that if other religious people saw it they would be offended? We must go out, friends, and seek to minister to the social outcasts… to those who don’t have it all together and call them to come to Jesus. Practically, have the Hispanic men over for dinner and treat them to a fine meal. You and your wife go out to dinner with that gay man that you know and pay for his meal. Stop by the orange house down the road and tell them you’re from First Baptist Church… you just wanted to stop and meet them and see if they have any prayer needs or if there’s anything you can do for them… and invite them to church. Whatever application this makes for you, get out of your comfort zone and let’s be about our Savior’s business.

We must not participate in or condone sinful behavior. We must be careful here. We must balance this. Certainly someone with a history of alcohol abuse shouldn’t start a ministry to drunk guys. Men you must be careful in approaching women and women you must be careful in approaching men. And we must not participate with those we’re ministering to. In your effort to associate with ungodly people don’t be a part of ungodliness or turn a blind eye to it. Jesus wasn’t just hanging out with sinners… he was on mission to call them to himself.

We must be willing to speak of sin and Jesus. Again, for Jesus, it wasn’t just hang out time… it was a time to be on mission. Further, we must not be content to be silent in the presence of sin. This doesn’t mean we constantly nag people about their cussing or sins. It will take wisdom and discernment. For Jesus, it wasn’t hang out time, but it wasn’t throw down time either. He knew what to say and when to say it. For some of you who associate with people like these, it will mean getting out of your comfort zone to speak seriously and gently about sin. If you never get around to talking about spiritual things, then you’re wasting your time. The people knew where Jesus stood and people must know who we are and what we stand for too.

We must remember that we, and all people, truly fall into the category of sinners. When Jesus says that he came to call sinners and not the righteous, he was talking about all of us. There’s not really a category of those who are righteous. When Paul quotes from Isaiah in Romans 3:10-12 he says, “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understand, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” In our mission to reach sinners, we must realize that we are just as spiritually bankrupt as the next person. There are not two categories of people, righteous and sinner. The categories are sinner under condemnation and sinner saved by grace. But there are some who think they are righteous in themselves. And Jesus says since you think you’re healthy, you don’t need me. If that’s you, then you need to realize you’re not healthy… you’re very sick. And the only cure for your disease is the forgiveness and healing that comes through Jesus Christ.

The mission of Jesus culminated in his suffering, death on the cross for sinners, and resurrection from the dead. If that isn’t your only hope, then you’re in trouble. Repent of your self-righteousness and turn to the Savior who came to heal sick people. Humble yourself before him and trust him to save you. Then you can sing along with other me and other saved sinners, “Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.”

*This post is not an original essay by myself, GC4JC, Geisha Bear Fondue, or any other documented affiliations to this blog. GC4JC does not necessarily agree completely or endorse the entirety of this essay. It is for information purposes only, as GC4JC always suggests that the reader do their own research and draw their own conclusions.

**This is a bible study was written by an anonymous author and is being shared from another public "fair and free use" source.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Beast Within Me

A Video and Audio Production: The Reading of Revelation by Madonna