Friday, August 8, 2014

Who Dun' It?

Ever realize (I just did) that America's involvement in the last two world wars was not initiated by a threat or invading enemy from afar, but by powerful men with political and self-promoting economic aspirations from within our own country. Yes, from within. War equals profits and the corporate elite that controls our government is only concerned with their bottom line. The American government ruling elite knew from their fore father's, those Indian killers and land grabbers from recent history, that a public campaign of terror and [seemingly] unprovoked attack on the homeland would be the only way to gain the country's support for involvement in any conflict that would risk the lives of American soldiers. The option to "do-nothing" when a regional war between neighbors and abroad is in full swing is a very popular position for most Americans, but not a very lucrative one for the Industrial Military Complex (IMC).

Now the ruling elite are looking for a new cause to prop the U.S. dollar and fill their coffers. However, the American public is not interested or quick to engage in any new conflicts. So its time once again for the manipulation of media to go into over-drive. The beheading of journalists being displayed at great length is to sway public opinion and insight an emotional response from the public that will give  an excuse to enter the Syrian conflict. This will be achieved without any opposition from the American public due to the constant psychological conditioning by the media.

This is time the cost is too great and the ramifications will be far more reaching than ever before. ISIS is currently not concerned nor interested in any American aspirations. Their goal is to plunder, conquer, and initiate an Islamic State across Northern Africa and The Middle East just as it was centuries ago. The tactics they use are barbaric and evil, but isn't all war just as equal in comparison on all sides? Were not the political author's of the American expansion out west just as calculated and unforgiving as ISIS is today? Different weapons, different peoples, different time, same game. And let's be sure not to forget the families and their descendants (myself included) who immigrated here after the Indian Annihilation. Our ancestors may not have been directly involved in the colonization of this nation, but we still enjoy the stolen land that has traded hands among Anglo-Saxon and white European men to present day.

Now that we North American gawkers are once again being pulled into a messy brawl; it will quickly become a regional fight. All because it started from within. FROM WITHIN!! Yes. Just like Gulf of Tonkin, a "false flag" sold to the public and used as the tipping point to enter the Vietnam War. Just like the assassination of JFK by our own CIA due to Kennedy's resolve not to escalate the Cuban Missile Crisis and in-turn publically call out secret societies only days before his murder. Just like Pearl Harbor, which was shown to be an unprovoked attack by Japan in the American media, but in truth our forces bombed Japan twice instigating that attack. Just like 9/11 that was orchestrated and executed by our own CIA and other top government officials to be a used as an uncontested excuse to create Homeland Security, the Constitution killing Patriot Act, and yet again enter into a long and profitable war for private industry and the IMC.

And now the newest "false flag" and soon to be the new treat and cause for action. Its the 2014 Open Boarder/ISIS connection. I see history telling a tale of when Obama ordered strikes on ISIS (today) and they retaliated by taking a leisurely boat ride around Cuba and into the Gulf. Having margaritas in Cancun on the way, and then taking a bus from Guatemala as undocumented refugees or commercial truck drivers (cause we allow THAT), and you know how it just may end. However, the news media and political conversation will be completely diverting your attention while they engage in another mid-east conflict...EBOLA!! (Look over there while I screw you over here).

Just remember, it started from within.


"Dance til' End of the World" - B. Spears

News Link Below:
The Decision to Bomb ISIS


Anonymous said...

Somewhat graphic! n I hope u get into the word of the foundling fathers as I do believe that the Indians were quite happy to see the Pilgrims and learn about God.
It was a sad :( mess that (as usual) evil set in by the name of "greed". Since I carry Indian Cherokee blood and my ancestors went through the "trail of tears" (another white man horror), I have to believe there is nothing by coincidence and the "end" is near. So yes, dance, jig a jig jig but do it like King David; private and naked before the Lord!

Unknown said...

Yes, the Indians were happy to see the Pilgrims until they were given small pox via the blankets and wiped out. Oh, and corn ended up being the gold they were coveting. Then it was in that moment the infiltrators had no use for the locals.