Saturday, August 30, 2014

Get Over It

While doing research for this post as I do all my posts, I come across some great pics on Google Images. Yes, this one is not too shocking. Many Christian churches and clergy have been fighting for equal rights within and alongside the GLT community for awhile now. And let me just note that the "B" is missing on purpose. I personally do not identify nor do I classify bisexuals in the same plight as homosexuals, lesbians, and transsexuals. Now back to the topic. Ah yes, some gays are Christian. So get over it!!
Yes, you heard me right. I want a banner that states "Some Gays are Christians. Get Over It!!"  Sadly, inside a community so loving and so proud of their acceptance and open-mindedness there seems to be an upswing of anti-Christian and Christian bashing articles and posts on Facebook, Twitter, and such. I find it puzzling. Are all gays drag queens? Do all gay men wanna bottom? Or have sex changes? No, No, and No! We are as diverse as we are individuals.
It is in this same manner I ask not to be lumped in with or limited to an old school dogma and let ridiculous rants from snake-wielding preachers quoting from The [Jewish] Old Testament and not the [Christian] New Testament define me as a Christian or as a homosexual one at that.  Further, I'm pretty loud and know no fear; so to those who wish to go toe to toe, let's.
Remember in the movie Pleasantville, the dark, shadowy folks want to discourage the masses from finding their inner music, inner vibe, inner being, inner self, inner souls , which eventually will connect them with the One True God through this process of becoming colorized. If our banner is going to fly for you and me then it flies for all of us; as individuals first and as a whole second. I am a Gay Non-Denominational, Evangelical Christian, and I expect to be accepted and treated just as anyone in the community would my Buddhist, Atheist, or Catholic friends whom also are homosexual.
We allow this one division to divide us now, then what real prospects have we made for the future? This Christian bashing hurts me directly and I would attest must hurt others within our community who we share so much in common.  It is time we be clear about what we mean, what we say, and mean every word of it. Therefore, everyone knows exactly who we are through the friendship and networking process. It only gets deeper from here, and I want to know who my friends are as well as those 'not so much.'
Since challenges are such a big craze these days I ask everyone to take a silent observation of themselves and when the opportunity arises, hug a Christian and say I love you. Ya never know, friends have been made this way, or so I've heard.
Love you all. God bless!
GC4JC ~ Geisha Bear Fondue
**UPDATE** This is how God speaks to us and makes His presence and blessings known. Coincidences are not real. Everything for a time and season. My blog asked the gay community to hug a Christian yesterday. Unbeknownst to me God had already had the local GLT friendly church next to the dance club be out and offer free hugs and refreshments to all and anyone wishing to receive. What a sweet way for God to condone and bless the efforts of this blog, as well as New Covenant Ministries of Faulkner Road, Atlanta. God bless you guys. Thanks.
Ps. Thanks to all the loyal readers and those who have commented directly or otherwise. The blog has already hit over 500+ people in ten countries reaching from USA to South America and The Middle East. I'll keep writing as long a one (1) will listen. In Christ Alone.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Feeding the Hungry Lion

Every morning I wake up hungry. I am just one of those individuals who craves food all day long. I wish I was like my cousin who by the end of the day forgets she hasn't eaten and must remind herself to eat. Food is sustenance and a necessary part of living a healthy life, but only physically. What about our emotional and spiritual health?

Growing up in church I heard a popular phrase of Jesus' quoted over and over again. It was "Man cannot live by bread alone." I am surprised I did not understand what this very important and revolutionary phrase meant until today. It simply means we must also ingest a different type of food for our spirits. It is necessary to be healthy and safeguard against all the negative bombardments we receive day in and day out. 

Many of ya'll go to the gym first thing in the morning and work on your bodies to gain not just a body you are pleased with but also a body that is able protect you from common ailments or even allow you to fight off an attack by another person, God forbid.  In kind, I realized today that meditation, prayer, and reading the Bible (or other sources consisting of positive reinforcements) is just as necessary each day as our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This spiritual food will allow the spirit to align with the physical and will fine tune our bodies to the optimum.

So today I started my day with prayer and meditation and a little food from the 103rd Psalms. Proverbs and Psalms in the Bible is a great place to start. It is pleasing and uplifting to read these prayers, songs, and sentiments, as well as giving you tools to get through your day.  Proverbs covers just about any obstacle one may have to endure in daily life. And if you aren't prone to the Bible as suggested here, that is ok. Find a book or author that is spiritually and emotionally uplifting to you. The important thing is "to eat!"

Enjoy your weekend and your new found path to spiritual and physical wellness.

God bless you my friends.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

If Madonna Calls, I'm Here

No matter how rich, poor, famous, meek, or otherwise; we all are in the same boat. We all strive (hopefully) to be a good individual, but alas, at some point our fleshly, human existence gets the better of us and we give in. Some of us willingly and without recourse, but I would wager most of us try to live just and healthy lives spiritually and physically with minor slips allowed.
Now I would like to use some deductive reasoning and scientific method when dissecting Madonna's prayer. Why is this prayer so important to me? Because it has been my prayer as well in the past and sometimes still lurks about when I feel like being really terrible. Its also necessary,  in some fashion, to come to an understanding what the definition of "sin" constitutes in each of us. Yes, morality and ethics is [50 shades of grey] in our human race, but it is necessary to at least conclude what is the common, sinful nature we all share.
Let me take the leap here and suggest that a sin is anything we do against our person or another that adversely affects ourselves and/or the surrounding community. And it is also an act or thought that is meaningfully intended and malicious or in some way disrespectful to self. Finally, let me claim temptation is not sin, just the opportunity to make a choice for deliverance or ruin.
Madonna states she is "sorry for having offended" God with her willful "sinning," and she insists she "detests" these sins in concurrence with God's detesting of them, according to scripture of the Holy Bible. I suggest it is definitely a sin if there is behavior we are continuously involved in that we ourselves feel that gut whisper that something is not right, and it most likely is a sin against ourselves or another. Time for meditation and prayer. Root it out. Profess it, detest it, and rebuke it, and let it go! 
Next Madonna states her "love" for God, which would be necessary for recognizing the sin in the first place. Her prayer exhorts with eager fervor to expel the sin from her life.  She then testifies to having a dream that she "lost Heaven for the pain of hell." Wow. That's intense. It is obvious Madonna's soul is stirred to the extent she believes in a hell and furthermore feels her sins could lead her to an eternity without being in the presence and love of God.
Lastly, Madonna announces that she wants to badly "to be good." But as the song ensues we know the hook; she is gone wild and ends up failing sometimes anyway. So what is key to never failing or keeping it to a minimum? I suggest and claim the one ingredient missing from Madonna's prayer is the Lord Jesus Christ. For it is in Him we gain salvation from sin though "we remain sinners we are saved." [Holy Bible]
God does love each of us and is reluctant to judge because He also lived a life on earth through the human experience of Jesus, as well as every human that has ever walked this planet. God resides in us all because we are made of the energy from Him. He wants to restore us to Him perfectly. That perfection was accomplished in Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
Now I am not asking anyone reading this to believe in my faith, nor am I trying to covert you from whatever spiritual walk you are currently on. And definitely am not trying to upset the radically proud and intolerably impatient atheist to dare believe in something other than nothing, which is still a belief in something mind you. What I do wish to do is explain my faith in an unconventional way as a gay man living the same experience we all must as our births were beyond our control. So take to heart there is hope and true love in this universe even if at this times it isn't clearly apparent or it seemingly is not on board with your needs and check-off lists for 2014. He is aware. He is willing. He is patient, and He is always ready for you.
God bless you all and may you have a happy and prosperous existence.
Jesus, friend of sinners. 
GC4JC ~ Geisha Bear Fondue 

Watch Video: Madonna's Prayer

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

GC4JC Mission Statement

So I guess it's about time to explain the idea that birthed this blog and now seemingly social networking mission of mine. Simply, the Christian right has been lying to you. The Bible does not condemn homosexuals nor does it condemn you. Furthermore, Christians come from the same pool of folks we all are still...sinners.  Ya know Jesus is remarked in Luke to be a "friend of sinners." So the litmus test is here and is 2000 years old according to my King James and it still remains as beautiful as ever; Jesus died for all of us.
Now I am not preaching to you or asking you to convert or even think too much on the matter unless you so choose. What I am asking is that you at least read this out and know the truth behind what the God of the Christian Bible really feels about you. I can tell what; He loves you. 

Now what the Christian right are really doing is damning their own flocks by not toeing the line with adultery,  fornication,  drunkenness to severe excess that it is harmful to you and others, gossiping, and numero uno..."judging lest ye be judged." The pulpit is for teaching grace through Jesus and for helping others ease their pains and woes in this world. 
Look, Jesus said "what you do to the least my brethren you have done to God himself". Jesus led by example. Feed and clothe the poor.  Help the sick. Visit those in hospice or jail. Have you done any of these things lately?  Hey, AIDS WALK is helping the sick. So you just acted like Christ and were more of a good steward than the picketers from Westborough BS. Did you get the last part? the S!! Those people are wolves in dragon clothes. Not Christians and not to be taken serious. Their job is to keep you from the REAL TRUTH. 

The real truth is you can be like Jesus or not. Be selfish or give. Care about a party more than the homeless, and I'm the first to say I've done the latter. But if you truly wanna know what Christianity is all about look to your left and right at AIDS WALK or hospice shelter you give time. He can be in you too. Just ask Him. He'll show you the way to be gay and saved. 

Some of ya'll just sinners. Come be a Saved Sinner w/ GC4JC.
Love you all. John 3:16 


Friday, August 15, 2014

Weekend Will Power

You've completed the long stretch. Its Friday and all that you wanted to accomplish this week has been under foot. Congratulations. But lets not get too confident and loose sight that the odds are always stacked against success; especially when it comes to sheer will power being the deciding factor if we win or if we lose this current battle with whatever it is we are trying to quit or overcome.

I have battled weight issues and food addiction my entire life. At the present state I am at the most unsuccessful I have ever been, but did regain a good, healthy portion of will power this last Sunday. I wish I could say it was me that has gotten me to the rank of 110% success rate this week. But sadly it was a bout of over-eating and being sick for three days that led me to an already trimmer and slimmer feeling self.

So do I define success through goal achievement and does the venue for reaching this end result remain irrelevant? And what of our personal will to win. Even when will power lacks, a bad hamburger instead fights for the cause. therefore, did [you] really succeed?

I am beginning to realize now at age 40 that true success is reigning in those nasty habits and terrible binging swings and truly seeking your inner power and God to help you have the personal strength (will power) to do what it is you have set out to do. For if the goal is reached by any other means necessary than it is not a win at all and surely you'll be right back where you were, or even worse in due time. I know that from experience.

Everyday is the day to say yes to a good life and no to the shit that hinders this process. God bless you all and enjoy your mid-August weekend.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Better Get A Job

Have you ever had a Job? Pronounced "JOBE' phonetically. A Job is when everything in your life is going super-duper and then all of a sudden the wind is knocked out of your sails, the barn is on fire, the ship is sinking, and the pantry is empty. Yup, that's a Job. And if you have never had one then ya always be ready for one just in case you blessed individual.    
Let me explain the process of "being Job'ed." This is a traumatic time in which we experience great anguish and tragedy in our lives. Some more than others, but we all at least do experience loss at times. This due to human free-will and the idea that without the lows, how will you know and enjoy the highs. I'd like to also inform that the Book of Job is the oldest written text known to the world and the oldest living legend of a man. Job was rich beyond belief and a pretty nice guy too. However sad to say, the nasty Lord of Light aka Lucifer decided Job's happiness ruined his eternal fall from grace period.  Lucifer proclaimed Job might not be so chipper and cool with the Creator if allowed to make times very tough in the not so distant future. Satan might even get Job to curse God.
So the drama begins when Lucifer goes to God and asks if he is allowed to bring tragedy upon tragedy in succession upon Job, maintaining Job surely will curse his maker eventually. However, every time Lucifer was dead wrong. Job holds his shit together and makes it 'til he has nothing else in life except the ratty clothes on his back. He lost his wives, children, homes, livelihood, and he even was afflicted with boils just for extra measure. But that didn't get Job to curse or blaspheme the Almighty. No. So if Job can go through all that we endure daily, surely we must know we are capable as well.
Now there is a turn to the darker side about halfway into this tale. The final notch Lucifer thought up was the wickedest and the one that became Job's breaking point. Any guesses? Well, what good is a so-called friend that kicks ya down when you're already in the canyon. Yup, three of Job's closest neighbors and associates decided to let Job know God must be upset with him for all the mess heaped on him lately was a sign. And instead of giving Job some supper and a couch they told him it best they all steer clear as to not let Job's persecution rub off on them too. What some freakin' friends are they?! We all know 'em and got 'em sad to say.
Like a hammer, it was in that moment those twisted comments by Job's associates went deep into Job's psyche and caused him a moment of doubt and maybe even a slight depressive state. So Job simply asked, "God, why?"  Well, the answer God gives is basically four chapters of "Who are you's." that make even the modest of skeptics and scientists consider the idea that there really is an Almighty Creator. Some of the stuff in Job tells of the earth's gravity, the foundations of earth, the snow capped Himalaya's, and so on. All this written well before any scientific or historical records had been begun to be kept. But I digress and that is not why I write this today.
Today is the day to get a Job. Not because of the story ends fantastic with Job being restored with all he had lost by seven times, but in the making of that newer you. Its in this experience of loss we are tested and tried and like clay in the furnace, we end as a glossed, hard vessel ready to take in what the world serves up. So don't be in despair when Book of Job comes a callin.'  Be grateful and don't ask God "why me?' but instead say "thanks for the chance to be a better person and rise up. And please, help me through it Man."
**NOTE** Thanks for taking the time to read my new blog.  It is now international, Welcome readers from USA, AK, Poland, and Sweden. God Bless.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cocktail Conspiracy

We are in the midst of summer and man, a nice cool drink would be sweet right about now. Hand me some of that Patron please. Thanks. Now let me grab this Gran Marnier from my private stash over here (we don't use triple sec at my house).  Now some ice cold sweet n' sour mix from the fridge and it is all set, or is it?

Like a good drink, a good conspiracy theory needs to have some authentic and seemingly valuable criteria to make for a great recipe. The obviously ridiculous to the most outrageous concoctions typically are sniffed out before the need to drink that poison. However, the truly well-mixed conspiracy should have ingredients that include the scrutiny of master scientists, well-studied political analysts, and always continually growing public support. All these here including a dash of good 'ol common sense makes any conspiracy theory "top shelf."

Now that all your ingredients are in place its time to put them all in the shaker and give it whirl. MMMmmm. How does it taste? Still needs a little fine-tuning I bet. This is where the use of the scientific method comes in to play. Create a hypothesis out of your over-all cocktail idea and then test the individual components with scrutiny to see if what you propose the world to [drink] is truly your best. Be sure and invoke many sources other than just yourself. Include the well-educated and peered-reviewed articles and data sufficiently and  according to the subject matter you are mixing.

Lastly, use what is always the prevailing winner when it comes to these types of questions; K.I.S.S. or Keep It Simple Stupid. The most logical answer based on all the information one could muster is typically and most logically the truth or closest to it. Well said Spock.

In this day and age it is imperative all of you out there question your news sources and what you are being told. Seek your news from other outlets and see what other countries have to say about the same news bites we are inundated with daily. Know that your mind is so unique and incredible that you yourself are able to figure most stuff out on your own using your own resources and doing your own research. Ya just need good ingredients. So get to the internet and find a new market for news. I trust you'll be a more well-informed because of it.

So now its time for your dinner party and you want to enlighten some peers.  It is always a plus to create the mood for positive debate so have a great "Cocktail Conspiracy" up your sleeve and catch that wind.  And what are some of my Cocktail Conspiracies you may ask. Well, look for an up coming book, and I promise to include all the Patron and Gran Marnier available. Margaritas anyone?


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Divas Rise Up

Its Saturday night and there is no mistaking what the plans are for the evening. Its a past-time lasting twenty years now; barring an occasional hiatus. We are going to the club. The lights, sounds, beautiful people inside and out enjoying the dance God gave each of us; its just the best.

After several hours of dancing and saying hello to the girls and boys, I take a moment to look at my watch and its almost 2:30am. Time to take a break and freshin' up in the car or at a friends before we all head over to the after hours, or what many of us call "Sunday Church." What is "Sunday Church" you might ask? I'll simply say it is the time that many in and on the club circuit choose to call the early morning hours of club-life on the dance floor at any given party or after hours within our circuit community. Its a GOOD TIME!

I remember many moons ago I was at Backstreet Atlanta and while in the midst of the grandeur and total club perfection never to be revisited or experienced again as it was then, I strangely was aware that I was hearing someone telling me about Jesus. "No way, not in a club," I thought. But why is that idea so preposterous? I now realize there is more love on a dance floor than in many churches across America. However, I will also say that the love can sometimes be quite different based on the situation when dealing with non-professing folks.

"Bump, bump, bump, JESUS!" So there it is again. That gal wailing in this hot mix like DJ Abel spins at Alegria, just told me to "Rise Up and put my faith in Jesus." What? "He has to power to heal me." He does? "He is all I'll ever need." Wow. This is phenomenal to me being the son of a preacher man and a very [spiritual] Christian. I was speechless. Yet, I wondered how many of the 1000's dancing to this song really are understanding what Yves Larock, vocals to this track, is really trying to express. I understood the simplicity in it while also understanding the larger implications.

So suffice to say now that I am really paying attention to the lyrics in the music that is played throughout any given night and most certainly at a "Sunday Service" I discovered a few more note worthy examples to share today. "This Joy" by Yolanda Adams and sung by Vernessa Mitchell in a mix for the clubs is a diamond that most circuit and circuit music connoisseur's are well aware.

Joy picks me up and takes me through
It so real I´m telling you
So many trails I´ve endured
God has given me the cure
I have a joy, a joy that´s unspeakable
It soothes my doubts
When the way gets hard
Although, I lived in sin
He cleansed my heart
Now lives within
Saved my soul from a burning hell
Christ lives in me now

And one cannot leave out "Higher" also renowned by Vernessa Mitchell and on the Twilo compilation two-cd set by Junior Vasquez. This is definitely one of my favs.

Lastly, is what I feel is most recognizable and probably the mass favorite and crown jewel of all that is Gospel Circuit. That being "Unspeakable Joy" by Kim English.  Just take a quick look at a excerpt from the song:

People ask me why this supernatural high
Seeing only sun when there's a cloudy sky
I know the trouble tries to surround me
But I've been given something greater deep inside me

I did not get it from any old little man
And it's okay if they don't always understand
It's very easy to get caught in circumstance
It's even easier to break out in a dance

Joy, unspeakable joy
'Cause they did not give it, they cannot take it away
Joy, unspeakable joy
In my heart and I can't let them steal my Joy

So there ya have it. All this time some of you reading this may not even have known while you were dancing with friends or that hot dude you just met, the Word was being preached and His praise was being lifting high in your presence. How high? Just ask Vernessa.

God bless you all and may your "High" Psalms 61 always be full of  "Joy Unspeakable." 1 Peter 1:8

...and see ya at Sunday church.


Friday, August 8, 2014

Who Dun' It?

Ever realize (I just did) that America's involvement in the last two world wars was not initiated by a threat or invading enemy from afar, but by powerful men with political and self-promoting economic aspirations from within our own country. Yes, from within. War equals profits and the corporate elite that controls our government is only concerned with their bottom line. The American government ruling elite knew from their fore father's, those Indian killers and land grabbers from recent history, that a public campaign of terror and [seemingly] unprovoked attack on the homeland would be the only way to gain the country's support for involvement in any conflict that would risk the lives of American soldiers. The option to "do-nothing" when a regional war between neighbors and abroad is in full swing is a very popular position for most Americans, but not a very lucrative one for the Industrial Military Complex (IMC).

Now the ruling elite are looking for a new cause to prop the U.S. dollar and fill their coffers. However, the American public is not interested or quick to engage in any new conflicts. So its time once again for the manipulation of media to go into over-drive. The beheading of journalists being displayed at great length is to sway public opinion and insight an emotional response from the public that will give  an excuse to enter the Syrian conflict. This will be achieved without any opposition from the American public due to the constant psychological conditioning by the media.

This is time the cost is too great and the ramifications will be far more reaching than ever before. ISIS is currently not concerned nor interested in any American aspirations. Their goal is to plunder, conquer, and initiate an Islamic State across Northern Africa and The Middle East just as it was centuries ago. The tactics they use are barbaric and evil, but isn't all war just as equal in comparison on all sides? Were not the political author's of the American expansion out west just as calculated and unforgiving as ISIS is today? Different weapons, different peoples, different time, same game. And let's be sure not to forget the families and their descendants (myself included) who immigrated here after the Indian Annihilation. Our ancestors may not have been directly involved in the colonization of this nation, but we still enjoy the stolen land that has traded hands among Anglo-Saxon and white European men to present day.

Now that we North American gawkers are once again being pulled into a messy brawl; it will quickly become a regional fight. All because it started from within. FROM WITHIN!! Yes. Just like Gulf of Tonkin, a "false flag" sold to the public and used as the tipping point to enter the Vietnam War. Just like the assassination of JFK by our own CIA due to Kennedy's resolve not to escalate the Cuban Missile Crisis and in-turn publically call out secret societies only days before his murder. Just like Pearl Harbor, which was shown to be an unprovoked attack by Japan in the American media, but in truth our forces bombed Japan twice instigating that attack. Just like 9/11 that was orchestrated and executed by our own CIA and other top government officials to be a used as an uncontested excuse to create Homeland Security, the Constitution killing Patriot Act, and yet again enter into a long and profitable war for private industry and the IMC.

And now the newest "false flag" and soon to be the new treat and cause for action. Its the 2014 Open Boarder/ISIS connection. I see history telling a tale of when Obama ordered strikes on ISIS (today) and they retaliated by taking a leisurely boat ride around Cuba and into the Gulf. Having margaritas in Cancun on the way, and then taking a bus from Guatemala as undocumented refugees or commercial truck drivers (cause we allow THAT), and you know how it just may end. However, the news media and political conversation will be completely diverting your attention while they engage in another mid-east conflict...EBOLA!! (Look over there while I screw you over here).

Just remember, it started from within.


"Dance til' End of the World" - B. Spears

News Link Below:
The Decision to Bomb ISIS